Interdimensional Entity

Interdimensional extraterrestrial beings visiting our world? Does evidence for their presence currently exist? And if so, how is it that they are able to puncture the veil which separates our world from their own, using the sciences created by God.

"Reverse engineering space, time, and dimensions at CERN."

Harvard professor claims aliens could visit Earth through interdimensional travel

Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb claimed that aliens may be able to visit Earth using interdimensional portals that scientists could reproduce through the Large Hadron Collider.

Speaking in a recent documentary The Paranormal UFO Connection, made by filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee, Loeb speculated that aliens may have already visited Earth, using methods that humans could discover through the LHC.

“There will be a sense of religious awe, and we wouldn’t understand it, especially if we are dealing with the effects of quantum gravity that we have any clue about,” he added.